Claims Board, for listing of claims, see journal subject: Claims Board
Report of claims - A 847
college savings program board College Savings Program Board
Annual report - A 344; S 428
commerce, department of Commerce, Department of
Economic Development Programs Report - A 839
Tax credits claimed under ss. 71.07 (5b) and (5d), 72.28 (5b), and 71.47 (5b), Wis.Stats - A 276; S 332
Controlled Substances Board, see Regulation and Licensing, Department of
corrections, department of Corrections, Department of
Biennial report - A 814; S 841
Prison Industries report - A 166, 413; S 205, 485
Prisoners considered violent - A 58, 598; S 80, 724
Report re mental health commitments, inmates treated with psychotropic medication, and available mental health services at major institutions
 - A 59, 817; S 81, 843
elections board Elections Board
Elections-Related Contingency Planning and Preparedness, Report and Recommendations - S 72
energy independence, office of Energy Independence, Office of
Biofuels and Alternative Fuel Use Report - A 160, 761; S 199, 830
Gaming, Division of, see Administration, Department of
gathering waters conservancy Gathering Waters Conservancy
Activities and accomplishments report - A 499, 844; S 576, 898
groundwater advisory committee Groundwater Advisory Committee
Report re 2003 WisAct 310 - A 413; S 485
Groundwater Coordinating Council, see Natural Resources, Department of
health and family services, department of Health and Family Services, Department of, see also Children and Families, Department of; Health Services, Department of
Attorney fees and related payments: reports under ss. 227.485 (9) and 814.245 (10), Wis.Stats - A 269; S 324
Badger Care Program annual progress report - A 422; S 495
Birth to 3 Program annual performance report - A 222, 740; S 267, 759
Child Abuse and Neglect Report - A 19; S 24, 570
Child Abuse and Neglect Report: 2005 errata sheet - A 98; S 130
Community Action agencies activities re low-income persons
 - A 282; S 338
Community Integration Program (CIP): impact on state employees
 - A 86, 707; S 127, 731
Community Options Program (COP) and Home and Community-Based Waivers (COP-W/CIP II) annual report - A 121, 506; S 158, 609
Donation of loved one's organs and tissues: development of uniform document of gift form - A 20; S 25
Employment or licensing bans: report on number of waivers sought
 - A 34, 451; S 38, 519
Environmental assessments or impact statements conducted - A 282; S 338
Expenditures from nonfederal funds received as gifts, grants, bequests, or devises - A 367
HIRSP Pilot Program modifications - A 496; S 724
Information systems projects under development
 - A 19, 473; S 24, 541, 723
Involuntary administration of psychotropic medications re protective services: report concerning orders for - A 282; S 337
Nursing home Class A violations and forfeitures - A 228; S 267
Pharmacies discontinuing participation as certified MA provider
 - A 342; S 427
Preparedness of the Wisconsin Public Health System to Respond to Public Health Emergencies - A 239; S 291
Relocation and diversion programs report - A 307; S 369
Reports generated in previous calendar year: content, number, and currency
 - A 744; S776
Special Needs Adoption and Permanency Consultation Program annual report - A 636; S 776
Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Annual Report - A 203, 819
Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Annual Report - S 230, 856
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening annual report - A 260; S 308
Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services State Plan - A 110; S 151
Wisconsin Food Security Consortium annual report - A 418; S 492
Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center: content, currency, and number of reports generated - A 108; S 148
Wisconsin Immunization Program report - A 245; S 299
health insurance risk_sharing plan _hirsp_ Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP)
Annual report - A 366; S 370
health services, department of Health Services, Department of, see also Health and Family Services, Department of
Attorney fees and related payments: reports under ss. 227.485 (9) and 814.245 (10), Wis. Stats - A 829, 832; S 878
Badger Care Program annual progress report - A 839; S 889
Energy Cost Reduction Plan worksheets - A 822; S 863
Environmental assessment under s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats - A 831; S 878
Immunization Program report - A 828; S 877
Involuntary administration of psychotropic medication re protective services: orders for - A 829, 832; S 878
Nursing home Class A violations and forfeitures - A 822; S 859
Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA) biennial review - A 826; S 871
healthy lifestyles cooperative _brown county_ Healthy Lifestyles Cooperative (Brown County)
Progress report - A 274, 843; S 333, 897
housing and economic development authority Housing and Economic Development Authority
Annual Report of Guarantee Funds - A 265, 832; S 321, 878
insurance, office of the commissioner of Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of
Noneconomic damages: recommended changes to limits on - A 21; S 25
Social and financial report on SB-88 (requiring insurance coverage of hearing aids and cochlear implants for infants and young children)
 - A 842; S 894
investment board Investment Board
Annual Report and Schedule of Investments - A 488
Environmental assessments or impact statements under s. 1.11, Wis.Stats
 - A 831; S 883
Expenses charged directly to funds managed by SWIB: quarterly report
 - A 796, 829; S 849, 877
Investment goals, strategies, and performance report
 - A 116, 727; S 156, 758
Investment policy, objectives, and guideline revisions - A 222; S 265, 876
Joint Legislative Council, see Legislative Council
justice, department of Justice, Department of
Cooperative county-tribal law enforcement programs: performance of
 - A 451; S 513
legislative audit bureau Legislative Audit Bureau
Adult correctional institution canteens: review of pricing policies
 - A 169; S 206
Biennial report - A 34; S 38
Credit unions operating at Green Bay Correctional Institution and Waupun Correctional Institution - A 167; S 206
Dental education contract between State of Wisconsin and Marquette University School of Dentistry - A 267; S 318
Dental services grant from DHFS to Marquette University School of Dentistry - A 266; S 319
Dental services provided under the MA program - A 772; S 784
DETF funds: financial audit - A 424
DOA oversight of a contract for print and mail staffing services: review of
 - A 840; S 890